What can we do?
- Get book reviews and features
- Get paid advertisements
- Hire a publicist
While you as an author can do a lot when it comes to getting book reviews and paid advertisements, we believe a good publicist can really elevate the book visibility.
What does a book publicist do?
Myth 1: A book publicist is someone who creates a press release and puts it online, or sends it to thousands of journalists.
Myth 2: A book publicist will guarantee you national coverage.
We work with book publicists who are professionals with experience in traditional media. Our aim is to help people discover you.
The publicist will work with you to help prepare a media kit. He will then send out notes to various media houses on your behalf. He will ‘pitch’ your book. He shall also, at various times, send free copies of your book to various people who could review your book. This effort should eventually convert into a media story in the form of a profile, interaction or a review. You are the key component of the entire exercise and the results depend on the effort you put in to provide worthy stories connected to your content.
Getting the most out of a publicist:
- Cleary specify your goals for the campaign: We help you specify a focused goal and make sure that the publicist is aligned with you and yourbody of works.
- Identify your target market, and working with the publicist to find ways to reach out tospecific customers.
- Go through your book and your life, find all the ‘hooks’ you can think of and provide a list. A publicist willdo pitches for you but they can only work with what you provide.
- Become media-ready: Put outyour professional webpage, pictures, profile etc. Read “How to Build your Brand” for more details.
- Help the publicist incrafting the pitches.